Sunday, December 27, 2009


Christmas was exceptional! I was thinking the best part of Christmas has nothing to do with presents. It's being together with FAMILY. Everyone was here from Las Vegas, Vernal, Draper and WV. We were only missing the kids from Provo. We laughed, talked, ate, tried to sing, lite candles, ate some more and opened very exciting presents. Our grandchildren all say thank you I love it! and some jump up and down after they open their presents. We are sorry that all the laughing and talking caused one person to get a bad headache.

As I get older and wiser, family is the most important thing I have. I know that is my most important job. So I will keep planning family parties, unorganized family reunions and what ever it takes to see these wonderful people in my life. So get ready to hear from me. I am going to to do a better job next year.

I think I have have said this before, but I have the best kids and best grandchildren. Thanks to all of you for a very Merry Christmas.
P.S. It meant alot to your Dad to have you all here and all of your hard work on the house helped him feel better.