Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Aaron.

Aaron is thirty something today. I never can remember his birthday because when he was born he was born at midnight and the doctor told us we could choose his birthday. The other half of G thought he was born at 12:01, so we chose the 17th. But I really had all of the pain on the 16th so in my mind his birthday should have been on the 16th. We did not think that it would ever really matter until he was in High School and the cut off date for Drivers Ed was 2/16th. So he had to wait to take Drivers Ed. That about killed him.

What a Kid! He was a fun little boy. We had his mind made up on how he wanted things done. He was a perfectionists in how he wore his socks, his toys, his food and how he did things. He always had a plan on some new adventure he was going on. He has mellowed over the years.

We think he is a pretty great man, a good Dad and a he still knows how to have fun.

Happy Birthday!


Jill Johnson said...

He made me promise I wouldn't blog about him today, so I am glad you did! He is a great man and a good Dad. I love him too. Isn't that fun!

jill said...

All I am going to say is GAG!!!!

Liesl said...

Ditto to Jill!

g&gjohns said...

Why would you say GAG? You have hurt my feelings.